Popular music video director TG Omori, known as Boy Director, recently shared a heart-wrenching update about his health. After a year of battling kidney failure, Omori underwent a transplant at St. Nicholas Hospital in Lagos, but sadly, the procedure was unsuccessful. “One year after my kidney crashed, I just had a failed transplant. Pray for me,” he tweeted, revealing the severity of his condition.
In another emotional post, Omori shared that his only brother had selflessly donated a kidney to save his life. This gesture of love highlights the immense support within his family during this difficult time.
The news has sent shockwaves across the music industry and the entertainment industry, with many sending prayers and well-wishes for his recovery. As Omori continues his fight, we join in hoping for his speedy recovery and a return to doing what he does best—creating magic behind the camera. Stay strong, Boy Director.